Thursday, July 2, 2009

You've Got Questions, I've Got Answers

I've been away for a while. Reasons include writer's block, stuff going on I can't talk about & nothing going on.

Some of my old friends I've been catching up with on Facebook have been asking some questions so I thought I would address them. Some serious, some funny (I hope) but it should be informative.

Me....not drinking??? Yes it's true I quit drinking a few years ago. I may have a beer or glass of wine every now & then but for all intents & purposes I am a non-drinker. And the reason is........I wanted to set a good example for my kids. My youngest son K2 got in some trouble (with the law) & I couldn't continue to go to happy hours & come home drunk but expect him to be the perfect upstanding citizen. I never wanted to be the parent where the kids told their friends stories about mom's drunken behavior but unfortunately I had become just that.

Church.....yes, I attend Fellowship Church in Grapevine & it's the best thing I've done. I really wish I hadn't done such a huge disservice to my kids by not being involved in a church when they were growing up. I was so caught up in trying to not be like my parents that I overcompensated.

My weight....yes, I've gained some weight. It sucks! I'm tanning & I'm buying really cute shoes! So I'm half way there!

The glasses.....just got them a few months ago & needed them for a long time before that. It's official.....I am old!

Dog lover extreme....yes, I have 5. Please see previous posts!

House.......I bought one in Irving 3 years ago. That's why I can have 5 dogs!

And last but not least.....yes, my mom is still crazy! And now she lives with me! Imagine.........scary, huh?

Oh yeah & the picture. It's me & K1's girlfriend J. Isn't she pretty? Don't I look not that fat? That's the reason I posted it. Some people might have missed it on Facebook and I look not that fat!

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