Saturday, May 2, 2009

Dream Job Part 3

I've been gone for over a week & no one calls, emails, facebooks to see if I'm OK???

Show me some love people!

The last thing I want to say about my dream job is this: Best Friends Animal Sanctuary is a wonderful place! I would looooove to work there! I would love for everyone to include them as one of the charities you contribute to! And here's why....they are truly a no kill animal shelter! They do not put animals who are aggressive or sick down just for that reason! If a dog can't be adopted out because it's aggressive (& can't be rehabilitated), it just gets to live it's life out at the sanctuary! Any sick animals are treated & only euthanized if there is nothing that can be done to help & they will only be in pain.

Jumping off soapbox....back to me (favorite subject)....I've had a rather busy week. It all started off with my air conditioner not working. I live in TX (it's HOT here) & anyone who knows me knows that with the slightest bit of movement, I sweat like pig! It's not pretty!

Must! Have! Air!

All I can think is how do people afford getting a new air conditioner? What if I had been laid off a couple of months ago like my friend??? It cost me $7,000!!! Luckily there was a credit card I hadn't gotten my grubby shopping hands on yet & I could charge it! I now have a huge, top of the line air conditioner that works great! I am still happy because I haven't had to make a payment on that card yet!

The rest of the week I have been babysitting my friends 2 dogs (Bandit & Watson). I have 5 of my own & thought.....pffft.....what's 2 more??? A lot more apparently but they are settling in......of course they are since she picks them up tomorrow. I would post pictures but neither of them will be still long enough. They are both so cute but this shows me (if I didn't know already)....Can't! Have! More! Dogs!

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